Tempat Bersejarah Indah
Yang Tidak Terpelihara
“Matras” Orang sekitar biasa menyebutnya.
Merupakan suatu tempat indah bersejarah yang dibuat oleh rakyat Indonesia pada jaman penjajahan Belanda. Terletak di dsn Cikuku, Ds. SUkahurip, Kec. Pangandaran, Kab. Ciamis-Jawa Barat.
“ Sejarahnya “
Pada saat itu, Belanda memaksa
penduduk Indonesia disekitar Ds, Sukahurip untak membuat tempat tersebut tanpa
upah sepeserpun. Setiap hari penduduk dipaksa bekerja tanpa berhenti hingga
tempat itu selesai. Penduduk tidak boleh bermalas-malasan dalam bekerja, bila
ada yang tidak bekerja belanda tidak segan-segan mencambuk, menyiksa, bahkan
membunuh orang tersebut.
“ Seputar Matras “
Matras merupakan suatu bendungan
besar seperti danau yang sangat bagus untuk dikunjungi sebagai suatu tempat
pariwisata bersejarah. Dimana dibawah bendungan terdapat bak pemandian yang
sangat besar bagi siapa saja yang ingin sekedar mandi atau berenang. Sedangkan
diatas bendungan terdapat rumput hijau dan gubuk kecil untuk pengunjung
beristirahat dan dibawah bak terdapat
sungai besar yang sangat panjang, dimana sungai tersebut akan berakhir disebuah
pantai. Pantai tersebut bernama Lembah Putri. Pertemuan sungai dan pantai
tersebut biasa disebut dengan Muara.
Air sungai Matras rasanya payau, itu semua disebabkan
karena bercampurnya air sungai yang tawar dengan air laut yang asin. Sungai
matras biasanya digunakan penduduk sekitar untuk mengairi sawah dan kebunnya
karena kebetulan dekat dengan sungai tsb.
Matras merupakan tempat terbuka untuk khalayak umum.
Siapapun bisa masuk untuk menikmati indahnya pemandangan tempat itu dengan
gratis karena tidak adanya karcis masuk bagi pengunjung.
Setiap hari banyak anak-anak sekitar Desa yang datang
untuk berenang di tempat itu. Sedangkan pada hari minggu banyak dikunjungi
pasangan muda yang ingin memadu kasih.
Pada hari-hari besar atau menjelang bulan ramadhan
banyak masyarakat sekitar atau luar Desa datang untuk berekreasi ke tempat itu.
Biasanya mereka datang untuk menikmati indahnya pemandangan yang ada disitu,
berpesta makanan seperti bakar-bakar ikan atau membawa makanan yang sudah jadi.
Sayangnya, matras tidak terpelihara dengan
baik karena kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah ataupun warga setempat. Apabila
pemerintah mau peduli terhadap potensi alamnya yang tinggi, matras bisa menjadi
tempat pariwisata indah yang bisa dikunjungi oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia
atau bahkan dunia.
"Mattress" People used to call around.
It is a beautiful historic place made by the people of Indonesia to the Dutch colonial era. Located in dsn Cikuku, Ds. SUkahurip, district. Pangandaran, Kab. Ciamis, West Java.
At that time, the Dutch forced the population of Indonesia around the village make the animal lays Sukahurip without pay a dime. Every day people are forced to work without stopping until the place was finished. Residents should not be lazy at work, when there is no work Dutch did not hesitate whipping, torture and even kill people.
"Regarding the mattress"
Matras is a large dam as the lake were very nice place to visit as a historic tourist site. Below the dam where there is a very big bath tub for anyone who wants to just bathe or swim. While there is a dam on the green grass and a small hut for visitors to rest and there is a large river basin under a very long, where the river is going to end disebuah beach. Beach was named the Valley Girls. Meeting of the river and the beach was usually called Estuary.Matras taste brackish river water, it's all due to mixing of fresh river water with salty ocean water. River mats are typically used to irrigate the surrounding fields and gardens because it happened to be close to the river.Matras is a place open to the general public. Anyone can go to enjoy the beautiful view of the place with the absence of free admission for visitors.Every day a lot of kids around the village who come to swim in place. Meanwhile, on Sunday visited by many young couples who want to making love.In the days before the month of Ramadan is large or many people around or outside the village come to that place for recreation. Usually they come to enjoy the beautiful scenery is there, partying-grilled foods such as grilled fish or bring food that is so.Unfortunately, mattresses not well maintained due to lack of attention from the government or local residents. If the government is willing to care for a high natural potential, mattresses can be a wonderful tourist places that can be visited by all the people of Indonesia or even the world.
"Mattress" People used to call around.
It is a beautiful historic place made by the people of Indonesia to the Dutch colonial era. Located in dsn Cikuku, Ds. SUkahurip, district. Pangandaran, Kab. Ciamis, West Java.
At that time, the Dutch forced the population of Indonesia around the village make the animal lays Sukahurip without pay a dime. Every day people are forced to work without stopping until the place was finished. Residents should not be lazy at work, when there is no work Dutch did not hesitate whipping, torture and even kill people.
"Regarding the mattress"
Matras is a large dam as the lake were very nice place to visit as a historic tourist site. Below the dam where there is a very big bath tub for anyone who wants to just bathe or swim. While there is a dam on the green grass and a small hut for visitors to rest and there is a large river basin under a very long, where the river is going to end disebuah beach. Beach was named the Valley Girls. Meeting of the river and the beach was usually called Estuary.Matras taste brackish river water, it's all due to mixing of fresh river water with salty ocean water. River mats are typically used to irrigate the surrounding fields and gardens because it happened to be close to the river.Matras is a place open to the general public. Anyone can go to enjoy the beautiful view of the place with the absence of free admission for visitors.Every day a lot of kids around the village who come to swim in place. Meanwhile, on Sunday visited by many young couples who want to making love.In the days before the month of Ramadan is large or many people around or outside the village come to that place for recreation. Usually they come to enjoy the beautiful scenery is there, partying-grilled foods such as grilled fish or bring food that is so.Unfortunately, mattresses not well maintained due to lack of attention from the government or local residents. If the government is willing to care for a high natural potential, mattresses can be a wonderful tourist places that can be visited by all the people of Indonesia or even the world.
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